Join us for a special day of events on May 11, 2024, to celebrate the unique relationship between the Horse and the Ochéthi Šakówin. Presented in partnership with Itówapi Owapazo (formerly the Red Cloud Heritage Center), the day will include a horse honoring ceremony on the museum grounds, a panel discussion, and the premier theatrical screening of Keith Brave Heart’s newest film, INSPIRED - Horse Nation of the Ochéthi Šakówin.
1:00 PM - Horse Honoring Ceremony
2:30 PM - Panel Discussion
4:00 PM - Screening of INSPIRED - Horse Nation of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ
This special event offers all members of the community the opportunity to connect in celebration of both the Horse and the cultural heritage of the Ochéthi Šakówin.
Come for all or part of the day.