Traveling Planetarium

A journey to the stars has never been easier! Discover the wonders of the cosmos with our traveling inflatable planetarium, a mobile gateway to the stars that brings the universe directly to your school or institution. This state-of-the-art portable dome offers an educational experience that is perfect for inspiring young minds, enriching curriculum, and providing an unforgettable journey through space for all ages without ever leaving planet Earth. Book today and ignite a passion for astronomy and science for your group.

Inflatable planetarium topics include:

  • Constellations

  • The Solar System

  • The Sun (and other stars)

Satellite near planet
Orange and blue nebulae
Black inflatable planetarium set up in room

Images Courtesy

Fill out the form below or call (605) 394-1777 to book our traveling inflatable planetarium.

Image above by NOIRLab.