
Western Skies & Lakota Star Knowledge: Fall

Western Skies and Lakota Star Knowledge is a seasonal program presented by The Journey Museum and Learning Center. This Journey Discussion is underwritten on behalf of NASA and The South Dakota Space Consortium. These programs were recorded and edited between December 2021 and October 2022.

These discussions talk about the history of the constellations, how the constellations change each season, and some of the earliest knowledge and depictions we have of the constellations. These discussions also talk of some of the Native American traditions in the Black Hills and how they used the constellations to locate important landmarks.

Western Skies and Lakota Star Knowledge are led by Megan Ostrenga. Megan received her Bachelor of Science from Northern Arizona University and then went on to receive her Master’s Degree from Texas Tech University in Arts, Heritage, and Museum Sciences.


Western Skies and Lakota Star Knowledge: Summer